We had the opportunity sit down and chat with Josh Murphy, Chief Operating Officer at Affinity Credit Union. Josh has been with Affinity Credit Union for 5 years and started as the VP of Lending and Development. Josh is also in the inaugural year of opening a restaurant with his dad and brother back in his hometown of Tama-Toledo, IA – be sure to check them out if you are in the area - Murphy's Creamery and Grill. If you have not met Josh, we highly recommend you connect with him and get to know him! He is a wealth of knowledge and always enjoys getting to know new people!
When asked how Josh got his start in the Credit Union industry, he got a big smile and let out a little chuckle while thinking back. He was attending a job fair at his college, American Institute of Business (AIB) in Des Moines, and the HR manager at a Credit Union chased him down in the parking lot and asked him to apply! He credits where he is today by putting in a lot of hard work, taking the initiative to get things done, and not being afraid to bring new ideas to the table. “I always tried to just make my bosses life easier.”
Josh credits his dad for being the most influential person in his life. His dad worked harder than anyone else he knew and when his dad set his mind to something, everyone knew he was going to get it done! Seeing the hard work and dedication everyday growing up instilled in Josh the drive to outshine the competition and keep things moving forward.
Today he is able to balance his multitude of obligations by prioritizing; specifically by writing down everything that needs to get done for the day, and putting in the extra time if needed, even if that means staying late or coming in early. He credits being able to keep all of his passions - the restaurant, spending time with friends and family and being an avid football fan in order by simply just making sure to make the time. If he could go back and give some advice to his 18-year-old self, he would tell them never settle, keep moving forward, and do not be afraid to fail.
We then switched gears a bit to talk more specifically of the Credit Union Movement. Seeing the collaboration that Credit Unions, CUSO’s, and State Leagues have is one of his favorite parts about being involved in the Credit Union industry. He said, he has created relationships with Credit Unions in West Virginia just from reaching out for a vendor reference. While seeing the collaboration is one of his favorite things about the industry, he does think there is still work to do. Seeing that the bigger Credit Unions will only sponsor community events if they are the sole sponsor is an issue, show that we come together as a movement and have sponsorships from multiple Credit Unions would unite us all. He would also like to see more CUSO’s get started in Iowa. “Iowa is a force to be reckoned with in the Credit Union industry, let’s keep it that way.”
For those wanting to get more involved in the movement, he recommends attending local chapter meetings, any league events, and most importantly to participate while you are there! For any college graduates or even seasoned professionals that are watching from the sidelines, wanting to get in to the industry he recommends doing your research. Go in, open an account, go through the process at that Credit Union and get to know the employees, the culture and ask any questions you have!
Towards the end of our time together, we asked Josh for some advice. In knowing Josh, networking is not one of his weaknesses so we asked him for some networking advice. “Most importantly just be vocal, do not stand there in silence.” His go-to question at Credit Union events is “What big initiatives are you working on this year?” Lastly, after seeing Josh rise through the ranks at different Credit Unions, he says his advice for leaders are to get to know your people and communicate effectively. Communication is a two-way street, you need to make sure you are being heard but also need to listen. Make sure to help grow their strengths and develop areas of opportunity while remembering that people choose bosses not jobs. Lastly, Josh said to never stop improving. There is always something that you can work on or a new skill to master. Keep an open mind to new ideas.
We thoroughly enjoyed our time sitting, learning, and chatting with Josh, and we know you would too! CUltivate is people helping people with our mission to spread the word, connect the people, and give an outlet to share your stories.
We are giving away a lunch or drinks with Josh! Follow, Retweet, Share, or Like this post while including #CUltivateTheMovement hashtag to be entered into the drawing!
Know someone in the industry we should interview? Drop us a line at CultivateYP@gmail.com
