I have known Hunter Sade for quite a few years, I remember when he was new to the industry and from the moment we were introduced I knew he had what it took to make a lasting impact in the industry. While the process and journey hasn’t been easy, he continues to learn and grow in the movement. Recently he CRASHED the ICUL Convention, and he is ready to change the industry while helping others along the way.

Tell me about your Credit Union Journey.
I started at Linn Area Credit Union a couple years after graduating from the University of Iowa. I was previously in a couple of sales jobs where the ultimate goal was to sell, sell, sell and realized it was time for a change. When I started at LACU, I knew little of the differences between banks and credit unions but had no clue how much of an actual difference there was between the two. I started out as a Financial Service Representative and got firsthand experience of how much of an impact we could make on a member’s financial stability and life. I got a taste of that feeling and realized I wanted to do more. That’s when I decided I wanted to help out with one of the biggest purchases anyone will have; a house. I decided to move into the mortgage department as a Mortgage Assistant and I’m striving to become a Mortgage Originator.

CRASH is BACK, tell me all about your CRASHING experience.
During my early days at LACU, I had been told about some of the experiences that fellow employees have had “CRASHING” the Credit Union Convention. At that time, I thought of this as just a job and not an actual career. I didn’t contemplate getting involved. As the years progressed, I realized that this could actually be my career. I had a couple of coworkers that I look up to, who were fellow CRASHERS, tell me that they believed CRASHING would be a great opportunity for me. With their advice, I didn’t think twice about applying and got chosen. Little did I know that this decision would lead to one of the most impactful experiences of my life.
In September 2021 I was fortunate enough to participate as a CRASHER at the Iowa Credit Union Convention. I went into it with a few ideas of what to expect but what I actually experienced was more impactful than I ever could imagine.

That is what it is all about, what had the most impact on you as a CRASHER?
The day finally came for the convention and I was ecstatic. I have always been an outgoing person so I was excited to meet the other CRASHERS and learn about their why, experiences and aspirations in the credit union industry. The first day we were involved in a Community Impact Project. This was a great time for all of us to bond while volunteering and helping the community. We had no idea that this small bond was the start of something even greater. This bond would blossom into friendships that will last forever and I now consider it a CRASHER family. Over the next 2 days, we listened to both inspirational and motivational speakers. Some are involved within the credit union industry but also a few aren’t. Listening to these speakers really solidified that everyone in the industry is involved in something special. People Helping People. This really lit a fuse within me to become more involved within the industry, whether that is striving to do more within my own organization, becoming more involved with advocacy or continuing to spread the word and mission about credit unions.

Keeping that fuse lit is key, what has changed since CRASHING?
The days and weeks following CRASHING the convention, I have felt that everything I do helps a bigger cause and even the little things make me feel like I am making a difference. My next goals are finding ways to leave my footprint and lead more within the credit union industry. I have also shared with others my experience, energy and passion gained from the convention with my peers.
Keep telling your story, we are all in this together. Many YP’s struggle with putting themselves out there.
Oh for sure one of the biggest struggles I have had during my career was that I didn’t think my voice mattered. After experiencing the convention I know that is 100% not the case. Every voice matters. We are all in this together. We share the same pleasure of going to work every day knowing we get to help others. Again, People Helping People. That was said hundreds of times at the convention and it absolutely embodies the credit union industry. I have bought in and vow to live that philosophy in my everyday life. I feel as though some young professionals struggle with buying in to the culture of an industry.

That is very relevant in today’s world where work/life balance feels nonexistent at times, what is next for you?
What’s next for me? I want to change the world. Just kidding, but really I want to make a lasting impact and create a wake in the industry. I want to continue to spread the credit union mission and continue to participate with the Iowa Credit Union Convention. Whether that involves helping out with upcoming CRASH groups, Iowa Innovation Group or assisting the Iowa Credit Union League.
My final words are that if you have any hesitation or worries about CRASHING is to take the leap. You will be surprised what you are able to accomplish if you put yourself out there and take that leap of faith. If you aren’t the outgoing type, tell yourself to be comfortable with the uncomfortable. This will lead to so many opportunities and you will create bonds that last forever. This experience has and will impact me for the rest of my career and I am so thankful that I took that leap.
CUltivate is people helping people with our mission to spread the word, connect the people, and give an outlet to share your stories. Know someone in the industry we should interview? Drop us a line at