The Iowa Credit Union put on another fantastic Emerging Leaders Roundtable on Thursday March 28th in Coralville! Andy Janning was the guest speaker and for those of you that know Andy know that he did not disappoint! The session started out with a few tidbits that got you thinking right off the bat. From asking what problems you wanted to solve when you grow up to reminding you: Do not let people who gave up on their own dreams, to keep you from achieving yours. Powerful stuff, right?

We spent the rest of the morning going over the 8 Questions for Every Hero, how to tell the best story of your life! Let me tell you, if your brain was not already on overdrive thinking about the tidbits above, it went in to overdrive during this process! From picking your goal, to thinking through failures, successes and what you will do after you accomplish your goal, you were in a constant continual thought process.

Andy mentioned a few books that he recommends including “The Hero With A Thousand Faces” by Joseph Cambell, “Real Artists Don’t Starve” by Jeff Goins, and “The War of Art” by Steven Pressfield. We have added them to our “to read” list and so should you.
We ended the day with open discussion on the #metoo movement and credit unions and how to successfully cross sell. ICUL also introduced an Emerging Leaders Reunion after the session for any past crashers, past ELC attendees and new ELC attendees. There was lots of laughing and catching up throughout the reunion! A Great time was had at all and we look forward to seeing you at the next ELC events in West Des Moines!
